Suckerfish Dropdown Menu for Joomla 1.5

Here’s the suckerfish dropdown menu for Joomla 1.5 that written by tbianco. It’s extremely easy and here’s what you need to do:

1) Create the main menu module and add a suffix to it of ‘_topmenu’. I use the underscore to so that the class name in the css is now “.moduletable_topmenu” I want to make sure in my code there is a seperation from the typical “.moduletable” and “.moduletable_topmenu”. Besides it’s REALLY bad coding practice to run words together unless you are camelCasing them. I am just used to ruby so I have using the underscore for variable names.

Complete WordPress Theme Guide

This is a complete WordPress guide on how to install WordPress and customize theme.

Below is the link:

10 Amazing Designers that Influence the Community

The following designers have influenced and shaped the way we (younger designers) think today. A little bit about each one and show some work they have done.

50 Excellent AJAX Tutorials

AJAX provides Web developers with plenty of opportunities to enhance the user experience and improve the performance of their websites. There are countless ways that AJAX can be used, and fortunately there are plenty of good and useful AJAX tutorials out there to help you with your own implementation.

– from Smashing Magazine.